Molotov Solution Molotov Solution - An Even More Inconvenient Truth

Fear the coming years, for they will bring famine and drought,
Devastating storms and floods as polar ice caps melt,
Hell on Earth unless standards of living are significantly reduced,
with a global tax on carbon emissions so that less is produced.

From forced sterilization to one-child policies,
Jail time for eco-crimes to a tax on the very air we breathe,
The rise of global government and the decline of individual liberty.
Freedom must be sacrificed to fight the impending climate catastrophe.

The world's poorest nations under pressure not to develop,
Told to abandon affordable forms of energy and adopt the world's most expensive,
By first-world political elites that fly private jets and drive hybrids
Somehow romanticizing peasant life seems easier if you've never lived it

Media outlets pushing the lie that there is a general consensus,
Ostracizing any scientist who speaks out with dissenting evidence,
And it makes sense when climate science is a multi-billion dollar industry,
Without a problem a massive constituency would be without a salary.

Fear the coming years, for they will bring famine and drought,

Devastating storms and floods as polar ice caps melt,

Hell on Earth unless standards of living are significantly reduced,

with a global tax on carbon emissions so that less is produced.

An urge to control the entire world disguised as an urge to save it